How to Recover Suspended Twitter Account

In previous post “My Account Suspended, What Should I do ?” I wrote that I can’t recover my suspended account for the third time. But now I want to tell you that it was wrong. My account has been recovered. How ? I’ll tell you.

If you got suspended, like this.

You have to go to help page and send a ticket. Then, check your email. They must be sent you an email like this.

All that you need is just reply this email. You can see mine, right ? I was using bad grammar for them. But it doesn’t matter, because may be they only need a kind of validation about you. Make sure that you are the owner of suspended account. So just reply it. After that, just wait. It may be take a hour or more. Until you get an email again from them which tell you that your account has recovered.
I tell you that my account has suspended for 4 times. And I made it back.


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  1. I think it's simple way, but unfortunately I seldom use twitter, anyway thanks alot of...

  2. Heheee. I want to sell something in twitter, so I collected follower first.

  3. My Twitter Account also have been suspended, but I enjoy hehe :)
    It is no problem because I can create Account again :D

  4. Hi Mas Putra. Selamat pagi menjelang siang. Gimana akun twitter nya sudah beres belum dari suspended :)

  5. Sudah Mbak. Bikin salah - minta maaf - bikin salah - minta maaf - dst.
    Hahaaa suspend 4 kali, 4 kali minta maaf, 4 kali mati suri.

  6. Kesuksesan manusia hanya ada dalam agama


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